Wednesday 18 May 2016

Documentary proposal

    Documentary ideas
My documentary
Out of all the idea on the mind map I have chosen to do The pressure of people when facing/ applying for university. I have chose this as I wanted to go to uni so it something that some point i hopefully will do. I believe this will also interest and help over people my age. I would like my documentary to help people and actually have an effect. By having people talk about there own thought and views I believe this will maybe help over people as they can see that over people may feel the same way as they do. I want my documentary to interest people but also have some impact ob over people watching it.

The format of my documentary 
I want to make an expostiory documentary it will present a slice of life. There will be no interviews or interaction of the film maker, but there will be a voice over telling the audinces facts and arguments. I will be an involved bystander. I am choosing to do this form of documentary as I want to let the audience decide what they want to thing by the way I edit my documentary.It will be people getting there thoughts and opinions across. The voice over will accompany the images and what the the people are doing/ talking about. 

Target audience
My target audience would be college students ages 16-19 who are thinking about going to university both male and females. The demographics is E the unemployed, students, causal workers people that are thinking about going to university. The phycographics are explorers and struggles these are people that want adventure or seek escape. These are the bands my target audience fit in to the most and are the likely to be wanting to go to university.

The aim of the documentary
The aim of the documentary is to address the problems and worries that people face before going or applying to university. The aim is for when people watch this it help them to feel not alone when it comes the the worries they may face when going to uni. What I hope to achieve by doing this documentary is help people feel not as anxious and alone when i comes to them going to uni. The documentary will be relatable and the target audience will be the same ages as the people in my documentary. I want to make the documentary relatable so my documentary is realistic and as helpful as possible.

I will film my documentary at East Norfolk college, I will film it at college as college is the step you take before going to uni. People going to college are my target audience so I want to film it in a place that is relabel and familiar. I will film in various location with in the college it make the iconography more existing.

My cast will be the students of East Norfolk the student that are in there last year and have applied to go to uni. By keeping it as only college student it will make the documentary a 100% realistic and relatable. The cast will be people that are facing uni so that they can speak freely and honestly.

Here is a list of question I could ask my cast to make my documentary during the pre-production these question my expand or change:

Have you applied to uni and what uni have you applied for?
Are you scared to go to uni?
What are your biggest fears about moving away to uni?
What are you most excited about when it comes to be going off to uni?
What are your expectations of uni?
Did you always want to go to uni?
Why do you want to go to uni?
What pressures did you face when applying to uni?
Why uni and not an apprenticeship?

Equipment, props and costume
The equipment I will use to a camera, trypod, microphone, lenses, shoulder rigs and i max computer for pre-production and editing. At the minute i'm not sure what props I will use but all the props will be provided by college. There will be no costumes all the cast will wear there own clothing. We have no budget as all the equipment and props will be provided by college and it is a college project.

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