Thursday 2 June 2016

Documentary Research

Primary evidence
 Primary evidence is a artefact, documentary, a recording, or sources of information that are made for a study. It holds original information about the topic and by it's nature it doesn't suggest the there is better information available.

I made a survey about the documentary I am making as my primary evidence. This survey will help me make the best documentary as the questionnaire has been filled out by my target audience. The question I have include will guide me on how to film and make my documentary. It is important to have primary evidence from your target market as it will make my documentary more successful as all the thing I have included will have also been what target market want to see in my documentary.
Survey results
My first question was asking if the person doing my documentary was in education this is important as my target market are in education. This means that 13/14 people are going to give more useful and reliable answers.

Question two was asking if the people doing my survey where thinking about going to university. Again the people that said yes and maybe are the people that are going to give me the best answer as my documentary will be made for them. My results where, 4 said yes, 4 said no and 6 said maybe. This means that more then half of the people doing my survey will be the target audience of my documentary.

'Do you have any worries about going to university and if so please state them?' I included question three as my documentary is abut the worries of university. The answers to this question will my primary evidence to what my target audience worries about when going to university. This will also be topic I can cover in my documentary. These are few of the answer I got:


I want my documentary to effectively help please be less worried and anxious about going to university. I asked question 4 to make sure that people would find my documentary helpful and would watch it as my main  priority. The majority of people said yes it would help and maybe this means my document if made to a good standard would help people.


In my documentary proposal I said that I was going to do a Expository documentary (a montage if videos/ images and sounds complied to inform you on the topic). But question 5 shows that people think an Interactive documentary ( a interviewer asking people on the topic. fly on the wall type of documentary ) would be the most helpful and interesting. When I come to my pre-production work I will then deside as a film marker which type of documentary I believe I can make the effective.


Question 6 is just a very general question to see how answering my question is interested in watching documentary. The people that said yes are more likely to the be generally interested in watching my documentary.

Just like question 6 this question was use to see if the documentary is made to a high stranded who would watch it. There would be no point making a documentary that no one would watch. But due to results over 50% of the people answering my questionnaire said they would watch my documentary if it change, inspire or help them which is the aim of my documentary.

My target audiences is 16-19 people in college mainly taking there a levels. This question I used to make sure that people agreed that is age range would be the best target market and due to the results it shows they agree.

What would you like to see in the documentary to help you with the worries of university? Question 9 was so that I could see what my target market would like to see in my documentary to help them with the worries about university. As a film maker I can include some of the answer to make the most effect and helpful documentary. Some of the answers included:

Second evidence
Second evidence is fact and figures that I can include into my documentary which will help back up my point and make my documentary reliable and truthful it also backs up your primary evidence.

Here I found way to deal with stress when at university these could help people and would be useful to include in the end of my documentary as a way to help people. By having things like ways to come with the worries and stress of university people could then go and put into action and my documentary would of had a positive effect.

There are many blogs on the internet of people and there experiences at university many if these are linked to certain university. By reading these I can back up my primary evidence and build on the things I will include in my documentary.

UK laws on filming in public
When It come to filming in public areas in the UK you must think and sort out these four things:

Local authority-  You need to get permission a from the person or people this could include the council of hows land or location you are wanting to film on. You must also have written prove and evidence that you can film on this location to stop from you getting in trouble from the authority.

Police-You need to work this local authority especially if you are filming on a high way are somewhere that will effect peoples day to day lives. The police will so be able to keep the public safe and the filming safe if using special effects e.g. fires. You also need to get permission to portray a police offices in a movie especially filming within public. 

Filming on public roads-You will have to contact local police and highway department to get 
permission to will on a public roads. You will also have to make the road and the area you are filming on as risk free as possible and course as little issues as possible. 

Others- If one of your actors is being filmed in a public store or restraint or any general public places. You will not only need permission for the location but to permission to show the name or logo of the place. You do not need to ask public people just passing buy in the location you are filming if you are just featuring there face. 

Libel or Defamation
Defamation-This is an area of the law that provides the right for people to complain about the words or language you have used in your media piece that is offensive or has offended them. This word that they have complained about effects the or courses harm to the makers reputation or livelihood. 

Libel-This is a written document on the complaint the person has made about the defamatory. The deformation is a caught of law is spoken by the defendant.

In our document we have not chosen a too over sensitive topic. We must make sure we do not include any offensive comments and statements that will upset and offend people.  

Ofcom broadcasting code
The ofcom broadcasting code is a government set of rules and regulations that must be followed in the media, postal and telecommunication industry wihtin the UK. It is there in the interest of people and keeping them safe and not effecting and upsetting the public.The ofcom broadcasting also work in licensing, research, codes and policies, competition and complaints.  

When it comes to the ofcom broadcast code there are there are ten main section. Secession one is the protection of under 18 year old's. As are target audience is 17-19 year old we still do have to watch out for this section. Our documentary does not break any of the rules as non of our documentary include anything that a person under the age of 18 wouldn't be able to watch. Section two is harm and and offence but again we have made sure we have chose a topic to do our documentary on that odes not harm or offend anyone. They are the only two sections that we could slightly break. But due to the topic of our documentary and they way in which it is being made I feel very strongly that we will not break any of the ofcom broadcasting code.  

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