Monday 16 May 2016

3 Minute wonders- documentary research

This is Our Youth - Walking Backwards
Walking backwards was my favourite 3 minute wonder as it was funny, original and I was definably there target audience. The language, actors, and story/plot were all relatable to teenagers and the way young people look up to new styles and kind of change and copy things to fit in the norms of society. Walking backward is set out like a documentary following the 'hip hop artist MC Backdone' which has 'inspired teenagers on a north London estate to walk backwards'. Reading this made me laugh as it used something that documentary's could be about (artist inspiriting the youth of today). This 3 minute wonder is a observation documentary as the filmmaker is hidden from the audience. Also the documentary is trying to show a slice of real life.

The clip uses funny soundtracks and music as the documentary is taking the mick out of hip hop music so they have over dramatized the lyrics of the hip hop song they are talking about and underdone the mixing of the actual sound track. There is a lot of point of view shots as you are watching this documentary as if you where the two main characters. These two characters present a transparent  record of events which are not clearly factually but leave the audience to think at the end of the true meaning of the documentary. They have edited to the make is flow quickly and fit a whole story into three minutes it kept me watching and laughing the whole way. This clip takes the mick out of teenagers and the way things catch on and copied and as a teenage I know and see this happens and this. It holds a valid point but get it across to it's target market through comedy.

Karl Pilkington- Health 

Karl Pinkington in this three minute wonder is a interactive documentary as Karl Pilkiungton (the film maker) is presenting his evidence and trying to cause an argument against from of health like going to the gym. Us as a watcher then can then decide whether we agree on him thought or not and Karl is a way is presenting his thought and trying to pursward us to think the way he does. I like this three minute wonder as his argument is quite funny as he has a very conservative argument and being a young teenager his argument is quite excessive and funny to me. But by his views being so out their and quite rude in a sutle way it is quite a funny thing to watch it and disagree with it. The editing is continues and all the shots are quite simple many close ups and medium shots. The icongathy of the clips is quite simple main Karl talking and shot of things that back up what he is talking about. The simple ness of the clip then makes you as watcher focuses on the dialog that is being spoken.

Dan Flavin- Untitled

The 3 minute wonder is a group of school children talking about an 'untilled' piece of modern art. This is a short expository documentary as the filmmaker is asking the children question the arguments and thought of this piece of art is all shown thoughts interviews it also shows many arguments on just one. I like this three minute wonder as it doesn't show one argument is shows lot and lots of people thought on modern art. Also with the cast being school children some of the answers are quite comical and different to what adults would see/say. As the audience the thing I like most about this three minute wonders was seeing and listening all the different opinions of the piece of art and see which once I agreed with a disagreed with.

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