Thursday 1 December 2016

The current practices in corporate video production

This essay will be about the current practices in corporate video production. In this essay I will cover copyright, privacy, defamation, fair use, ethical, release (materials, talent and location) and technologies. I will also be including examples of each of these either being use appropriately or being misused. The purpose of this this essay is to show how important it is to take all of these into consideration when it comes to corporate video production.

Copyright is a law that protects a number of works such as film, music, broadcasts, recording and
literater. Copyright grants the creator of the work rights for it's use and distribution (royalties). When it comes to corporate video if you have made the video you are classed as the owner and own the copyright. But if a client/company has hired you they are also going to have the licence to use it. It is most likely that the creator will sell the video to the company also selling them the copyright entirely this music be done in writing to prevent any problems with the ownership of the video. An example for the misuse of copyright was when Ms Phan was accused of the copyright of nearly 30 songs and she faced a bill of £88.000 per each individual song. She has used them with out permission on her own youtube channel. The record labels and music publishers claimed that she was making a profit off the artist tracks.

Privacy protects personal information. The more private or intermit the information is the greater the
public justification will be. privacy when it comes to corporate video is very important. If a client or company has hired you to make them a video it's best to make sure you have both agreed the information that can and can't be included in the video. Corporate video companies have to be very carful not to break the privacy of there clients. Face book was sued for £15 billion for 12 privacy law sue over violating users privacy by tracking peoples web usage. Facebook has also been sued several times for breaking peoples privacy. It was also sued by 13 people after uploading their address book without permission.

Defamation is a law that allows companies or individuals to sue for damage to their reputation.
Corporate video companies must make sure when making a video for a client that they don't damage there reputation. To make sure for this the client and employ can come to an arrangement what can and can't be in the video just like like privacy. Also an agreement can be make to what they can tell certain people or keep private even when the video is finished. This will make sure that nothing will be said or shown to damage their reputation. An example of this in the media was when Kiera Knightly sued the Daily Mail. They have published a false article that stated that she has an eating disorder and have be responsible for the death of a young lady with anorexia. This damaged her reputation as an actor/model so she was able to take them to court for defamation.

Fair use permits limited use of copyright material with out promotion form the owner. The material has to be used in certain way, like a certain portion being used  or the format that it is being used in. You do not need promotion as long as it us used for a 'transformation'. If you break the rules of fair use it is then classed as copyright. This also applies when coprate video they have to follow the rules so they don't get into trouble with the owner of the work. An example of this being used correctly is the clip shown underneath. This is a youtube channel by Chris Stuckmann who revues movies online and uses clips of film in his video's. He has kept with in fair use so he can not getting in trouble with the owners of the film.


Ethnical issues are important so different types of media don't harm individuals. This includes
making sure it don't harass, assault, people or cause harm, respecting privacy, plagiarising, respecting rights of publicity. When making corporate video you must take these into consideration not to upset the public. Ethic issues can also be the effect on the environment or damaging wildlife. Main ethnical issues included, war, slavery, force marriage, abortion, charity, capital punishment. Before making a corporate video it's best to look into the video/ topic your video will be on and what ethnical issues it could or does face.

Release (materials, talent and location) these are very important documents when It comes to making any media product that involve filming.  Releases are recorded documents of given promotions to either films someone or a certain materials/locations. When making a corporate video they must also make sure they have these release forms to stop any issues with the law. The release form are done in the pre-production so everything is filled out before filming. Release forms will also included the dates of filming so it is crucial to stick to the days and times of filming.

Technologies' with in corporate video is the last thing I am going to talk about in this essay. When filming you want to film to the best quietly you can by using the best technologies. Each corporate company is different and will use different equipment form a cannon DSLR to Sony A7S. These types of cameras are interchangeable so you can switch to different/ better lenses. The 'sony alpha A75 mirrorless digital camera' prices at £2,498.00films in HD or 4K quality video. Other technologies includes zoom mic's (for clear cut sound), soft box light (non diegetic light), Drones (for arial shots). Some companies hire equipment their are many sights that hire out equipment at a price per a day. When filming it is best to use the best technologies to film the product but also the best software to get the video to the highest quality finished product. Good editing soft wear includes premiere pro and after effects which is around £171.15 a month as part of a adobe package.      

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