Wednesday 9 December 2015

Reflective post

When it came to pre-production we had a varied of tasks to from:
-Shot list
-Location release ideas/photos
-Release for location
-Release for talents
-Budgeting/ props/ costume
-Risk assessment
-Production schedule
We had many thing to do when it came to pre-production some of it went well and some of it was a struggle due to our situation of being a college class and the equipment and places we where limited to.

Shot list
The shot list was one of our easier tasks when it came to the pre-production work, after we had
thought out are story and did our story-bored we where able to plan each individual shot. This piece of work was very important as when it came to filming we where able to follow our shot list step by step but this mean our shot list had to be very precise to make sense. When it came to editing we again where able to follow the sound list we wanted to place against each shot. This meant while doing the shot list we where able to get a more full pitcher if what our film will be like from the shots we will use and the music and sound we will also use. The shot list was a very helpful and effective piece of work as we where able to also see what different range of shots we where using to make our film interesting to our audience.   

The story board is the first piece of  pre-production work we did as a group. The story board helped us figure out the outline of a short and it showcase the shots we are going to include. The image we drawn on the story board where detailed and we where then able to follow the images to match the shots was wanted to film and how we wanted to film the shot e.g close up. The story bored was a very easy piece of pre-production work to complete but we need to ensure that we has a plot and over simple information. I believe the story board could of been a lot more detailed from adding colours and just more general information due to how helpful it is when making a film but this was not a assassinate due to time we had to film and the length of the film we made.

Location release ideas/photos
This was a very simple piece of work to do as it was just ideas not a finally decision on the location we wanted to film. The lactation release included going out and finding place we may want to film and taking photos of theses places and gathering simple information about them. The information include stuff like the accessibility parking even the amount of plug socket that are in the location. After we gathered all the information we where then able to see what was the best place to film due to our location we where quite limited to the places that we could film. This was quite an east task and also would of been a more helpful piece of work if we where making a bigger film. Fie to us only being on college ground and only having three of us in our group we where able to access every area we wanted to film in.

 Release for location
After doing the location ideas we where able to do the location release. This is a very important piece of pre-production work as it able people the right to film where they want to film with out getting in any trouble. We stayed at college so when it came to filling out this it was very easy and a fast piece of work to complete. We had to get permission to film everyday we wanted to and the times we wanted to, we also had to include all the people that would be in the location we shooting there. This was a very useful piece of pre-production work as for in the future when making film by having the release for location done we are able to risk of getting in trouble or having to change the location due to not being aloud to film.  

Release for talents
The release for talent just like the release for location is a very important piece of pre-production that helps to keep you out of trouble when it comes to filming people and distributing the film for the public to see. The release for talent is a sighing of the actor and his/her parents sighing if 16 or under to say that they can be filmed and then the film maybe be able to go onto YouTube or any way it maybe distributed. This was a easy piece of work to do as you had to get the actor to fill out the form but we had to be careful to not forget anyone who was in out film. If we had not got everyone to fill out this form it would be a risk not to be able to put it on YouTube or even in more trouble for filming someone who was not given permission.

Budgeting/ props/ costume
Budgeting/ props/ costume was the most difficult piece of pre-production work to do due to having no budget at all. When it came to planning the budgeting of the transport there where many reason why this was difficult form the college paying for people bus pass to the different location people lived and the miles they has to travel. When it came to props and costumes we already had everything so we wanted to see what price it would cost, We wrote all the props and costumes we use and the price we punched them for to make a total price. This piece of pre-production would of been more important if we had a budget as them we would be able to see what we prices and afford with the budget. I can also see form this piece of pre-production work that bigger film will have to work out ever bit of props, costumes and necessity's to make a film for think like bank loans and over resources of money.

Risk assessment
Being on college site there was a very small risk of any manger risk being about but we has to fill out
a risk assessment to keep all of our cast and crew safe.The risk assessment was both difficult and easy due to we had to see all the risk that could happen in the location of filming and how to prevent it and what to do if that risk does happen. There was a minimum risk due to our location if we filmed it in an abandon where house there would be a greater risk of injury. The risk assessment it also for the health and safety of everyone working on our set so they feel safe and if they do come to injury them self we are able to prove we did as much as possible to prevent it.

Production schedule
The production schedule is a set day to day schedule of what will be filmed on what day. When it actually came to filming this was the best pre-production sheet to look at as it was made very accurate. One of the hardiest parts was following as some days people would be ill and some day we would be off editing. The production schedule kept us in place most of the time told us what equipment we needed that day and props and costume so we where straight away ready to film. It also told us the plot and what scenes we where shooting in what location. When it came to do the pre-production work this ended up being the one we looked at daily as it was orgainied and make organized each day.

The pre-production was hard and easy during point. The fact we where making a short film made more of the pre-production work easy and quick to finish but made some incredibly hard like the props and costume. If we were making a high budgeting film or a longer film the pre-production would need a lot my thought and care to what we had put in for after doing these task I realised how important they are when it comes to making a film. The pre-production work is something I have never done before so it was of really interesting to me in what you have to do before making a film.

Day to Day Filming

Day 1
The fist day of shooting we filmed in w15 a class room and shot 1-4 on our set list. This day was quite an easy day of filming as all are cast and crew where in and we where ready strength away to film due to our pre-production work. When shooting shots 1 and 3 we had no problem at all as they where easy shots and the lighting was good. When it came to shooting the phone the lighting then became a struggle and the glass phone reflected the light and caused us problems when doing a close up of the phone. On day one the most important aspect when to make sure all of the shots follow each over so when it came to editing the film flows from one shot to another. Day one was a very productive and successful day due to our pre-production work and the face everyone was eager to start filming.

Day 2
Day 2 was again filmed in w15 and all cast and crew where there and ready to film. We filmed shots 5 and 6 and just like day 1 we need to make these shots all follow each over. Shot 6 was a very hard shot due the lighting and the camera kept focusing. Shot 6 was the girl getting angry with the phone and throwing inn down on the table. When through the phone on the table the shit would then become unfocused. It took use many time to get this shot right and focus the camera but in the end we perceived and got the shot how we wanted it.

Day 3
Day 3 we filmed with our extras, luckily everyone was here including the crew. We filmed in the hallway with 6 people on the phones to show how society has become as attached to there phones. This was shot 7. This shot took a very long time to film due to the people walking the camera would become unfocused and blur. In the end we kept the blurring as we where not able to sort it out and in the end we liked the finale shot as it looked like it was fading out.

Day 4
Day 4 one of are cast was away, James he was also the camera man this day was a very productive but stressful day due to the face me and Remie has to film and both be acting. This day we filmed shots 8 and 9 showing the package being derived and a match on action of the post man knocking on the door. Due to James not being here I took the role of filming. The filming went smoothly and there where no more hiccups on day 4. When filming the match on action we had to make sure the shots show/ carries the action though a transition, allowing to show the experience of a continuous flow of action.  

Day 5
Day 5 we shot the shots  10, 11 and 12 this day was a very stressful day as again James was not able to come in a shoot. Shots 10,11 and 12 both included me and Remie and as a cast of 2 we have to think out side the box. We pressed play on the camera after setting it to the right focus and then rushed in to place before acting the scene out. When editing all we has to do was edit out the bit of us getting ready and rushing into place.  The problem with doing this was that we here not able to see if the shots followed on and have to redo the shots many times to get there exactly how we wanted them.

Day 6
On day 6 we filmed in w16 this was the props room we filmed in here as we where showing inside the girls house and this room as table, chairs and sofa. This day everyone was here so we where able to get on straight away. On day 6 we filmed the girl opening the package this was quite a difficult task as it was hard to show the opening of the actual box. In the end we decided to edit the box opening and just film the close up of the girl screaming in shock to what she sees in the box.

Day 7
Day 7 we did no filming what so ever this was a day for recoding our adverts and news report. We did this in w16 as it was sound prove and had very good acoustics. This was a very successful day as we wrote the adverts and new report and then recorded them with a zoom mic.

It was clear to see that we had many ups and downs when it came to filming but due to our pre-production we where able to quickly get equipment and see the shots we where films and the cast and crew we needed. It is clear to see the the pre-production is incredible important when production a film weaver it is a short film or and feature films.

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