Tuesday 25 April 2017

Different types of briefs

  Different types of briefs

Negotiating a brief 
Our brief was set by the James Paget hospital to make a corporate video. Our group took on the task of making a corporate video for the recruitment of nurses for JPH. Our brief included:
Having an outline brief with a client is a good way to establish what the client wants but also the freedom and possibility changes that you make towards the final product. By having an outline brief you are able to make clients aware of your skills and the skills you can bring to the production. With negotiating a brief the client can chose to deny some of the ideas that you put for forward or except them. It is a must that the client and the employee work together to get a clear and finally brief that they both agree with so they can work together and come up with a finally product they are both happy with. This is essential so that the client is happy with the final brief and doesn't cause problems like the client not paying you or even using the final brief.

We got to negotiate the brief that the James Paget gave us for the nursing corporate video. The briefing from our client was a informal written document which we had a lot of room to change and make improvements on. The clients briefly new what they wanted in there final product so using power point we made a presentation on what we wanted to change and the video to include. Two people running the project came and we pesentated it so they were able to say what they through of the changes we had made. Lucky they where happy with the changes we have made and we came up with a final brief. The disadvantage of this type of brief is it's not set in stone of things could constantly chance 

During the James Paget brief video we didn't have any legal problems with the brief as long as we made sure during filming to not film anyone that we didn't have promotion to film. We did have a big problem with communication through out the process. This included traveling down to the location and them cancelling on us or not having anything set up for us. This made the process hard and long and make us as the employees feel frustrated. This happened several times so we had to change the brief even more. They wanted four separate videos but due to the lack of organisations on there side we weren't able to get enough footage to complete four different videos. In the end we places all the footage together to make one video. They where then not able to use are products due to us not making to brief completely mouldered to the way they want it. This is a very had process due to the lack of organisation and contact with the client.  

Even tho we didn't have the best and most positive try at our fist coprate video I was able to explore job role that coprate video companies would do. I was able to develop by taking on different job roles when making the final product, this enable me to see what I was strong at doing, needed work on or even skills i have only just learnt. Something I learnt was on how briefs work and how to negotiation a brief so I and the client are happy. Our team was made up of five team members that means there was multi-skills within the team. This made us able to assign different job role but we also changed the job role each times so everyone was able to developed and learn new skills with the help and guide of my team mate and teachers.

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