Monday 18 April 2016

Tv advertisement evaluation

Re-branding advert 

Re-branding questionnaire 

I used survey monkey to create and then share this questionnaire. This questionnaire is based of questions I believe will help my analyses how good each element of the advert I made was. Using a questionnaire is good to get public opinions and criticisms to make the advert better. I added question that I believe did this I also added question 3 to see if we had successfully portrait the target market we wanted to.

Questionnaire results

In total 11 people answered my questionnaire 5 female and 6 male. This means I had both male and female opinions. 10 if the 11 people where ages between 18-24 this is good as that is the same ages of the target market we went for in the advert. Question 3 was put in too see if we had made the advert so it would attract to 18-24 year old's and male. The highest results where male and age 18-24 this proves that we had made our advert clear enough when it cam to the target audience. Question 4 then asked why they thought this. This question was put in to to get clear appraisal of thing we had done right. Some of the comment showed me that was had filmed in with a male and in setting that was quite masculine but the make up toned the age limit you younger adults.

5 out of the 11 people said the advert was very good the rest as was equally spread between okay, good and excellent. This shows that the advert may need some improvement but also that it did not attract everyone. Question 6 was about how well the advert was edited and other components like sounds. 10 people votes 6 and high this means it was above average. Due to the equipment was had I believe the results we got where good put there is room form improvement. Question 7 was very simple about if out ordinance thought was has re-branded the product well we got a solid yes result. Just like questing 7, question 8 was if people where then drawn to buy the product or tell a friend about it. Again we going a good solid yes this shows that our re branding idea was clear and did it's job in attracting people to want to buy the product.

Question 9 and 10 with what people likes about the advert and if there are thing that the audience believe should be improved. We got a lot of praise on the hummer of the advert which is was we hoping to do. We got some feedback on the text and the end and having more quicker shots. These questions shows what we could of improved and what we did well.

Image result for unileverOur brief was to re-brand one of the Unilever brand. We had to pick a product and completely change the demographics and phonographic of the product. After doing research and coming up with and idea we had to make a 60 second advert that would attract our new chosen target audience. We also had to make sure we stock to the BCAP so our advert would be suitable to show on tv.

Each person in out class we did a presentation on there re-branding idea then as groups of 5 after watching each of the presentation we chose what we thought was the best idea. At the start we chose an idea of changing the pot-noodle into a family meal but in the end we went for my idea as it was most existing and original. My chosen product was the women spray impulse and to change the target market into males. The idea was a spray for men but still smells like a women spray. As a group we thought the idea was different and with our ability we could make an well edited and produced advert.

Impulse had a original target market original is 15-25 years old females. We made the new target audience males age 18-24 we made the target audience height as we believe these are the people that are more adventure and will buy and try the product. We also believe this ages fits into the demographic of male workers and students. The psycho-graphics is arr explores and this people for in the age range of 15-25 people that are more likely to try new products.

Finish products and feedback
We collected our feedback by doing and making a questionnaire using question that would give us answers we could evaluate and analysis well. We used a program called servery money which we could make a professional questionnaire on and then share is around to get people to fill the questionnaire in. I posted a link to my advert and the questionnaire and shared in on many different social medias and sent it to friends and family. In total 11 people filled out my questionnaire this enough people to the go on and analyse the answers. The sight servery monkey prepared all the results in  to bar charts and columns as shown above in the flip-snack book. Underneath there is then a summery about the results that were found and what that shows us about our advert and if it was effective or not.    

The main message or our advert was to get across this new idea of a mans spray that had the sweet smells of a woman's spray. In our pre-production work we took careful steps to make sure that we had really analysed how we wanted to portray this in the advert. By doing the story bored and the shots list we where able to plan out shots that would use mise-se-sceen and rules or three to get this message macros. Looked at the questionnaire results we did successfully get this message across, question 3 got people to guessed what gender and age out advert was for 70% guess correctly. Question 4 then got the answers to why people thought it was that target market. The answer we got are all things we thought about we did pre-products work like the casting the location and the slogan at the end. The impact of the advert was to get people to want to buy this product we did successfully do this as 8 our of the 11 people that analysed the advert would then go on to buy or recommend the product to and friend.

Technical and aesthetic quality's
Thought out the whole presses and when it came to making the advert we had to think about the technical and aesthetic quality's. This includes things like mise-en-scene, camera, editing and sound. All of these things are important when it came to our advert to make it interesting and good quilting.

Analyse of the technical and aesthetic quality's:

The mise-en-scene is very important as it is everything you see in the advert it's self right from the pre-production we took the mise-en-scene into consideration. When it came to doing the story bored planning out how our scene would look like each and ever shot from costume to the setting.

These are things that we thought out when doing the mise-en-scene of our advert:

Props- When it came to our advert we filmed it in a gym and was trying to pro-trade and strong man working out. So when it came to the props we used many different ranges or gym equipment. When he is in the changing room we used a gym bag to back up the setting. All theses things tell the audience the location of the advert by all the props that they can see in the frame it also makes each and every frame interesting and full of visuals.

Iconography- This is the idea we expect to see certain objects within the mise-en-scene of a particular genera. This is backed up by the location we filmed in and the props we added in which that audience would expect to see in a certain location such as the gym. The very first shot is of a gym sigh this is something that was places to add to the iconography.

Costume- As this advert is set in a gym we dressed our actor in gym clothing short and a top is also is a part of iconography as it is what the audience expect to see in this environment.

Lighting- We used ambient lighting as it is natural lighting so it emphases realism.

Setting- The setting was used to show this manly man working out we used the setting as a gym as this is somewhere that our target market could relate to and is somewhere they would/ do go. The setting also added to the comedy aspect of the advert when the man turned around and there is making up on his face even tho he is in a very male place doing very hard working and draining work out. We wanted to have this setting as a gym and we wanted to get across that the impulse spray could be very nice sweet smelling but still be from a strong out going male.

When it came to planning the shots and filming we wanted to make sure that we added a range of shots to keep the advert in treating. At the start of the advert we used a lot of medium shots and close ups and we wanted to keep the audience guessing to what this man looked as we did not reveal his face. These were also used to show detail and costume and setting. We then used a tracking shot to show the moment of the actor moving from one location to another.

We then again use a medium shot when to actor was spraying the impulse spray this was to show the action and to clearly show the audience what is going on in this shot this then follows to a small track of him placing the impulse bottle down on the bench. We used the camera like this to hint to the audience that out advert is about the spray he is using.

 One of the most important shot is the end close up of the actors face with make up on. This is the shot that shows the audience what this man looks like and the shot that makes the advert funny and have a expect of comedy. We used a close up as it shows all the features of the actors face and the action of the wink that is an action that was added in for comedy reasons. The very last shot is also important as that show the audience the product.

We did our editing on Adobe premier pro cc after we had film all the shots we uploads them into organised files when it came to editing we where prepared. Just like the the shots we had use different techniques to make our advert interesting. We did continuity editing to make the advert look continues and one story. Our plan for editing was to make the advert like a seventies montage so we used quite fast past cuts. We edited the shot of the actor walking down the stairs from slow motion and then speed it to this was t make the shot more interesting and to mimic a montage. At the end of this tracking shot we used a fade signify the end of this action we did the fade cutting to black and white this fade was to show the transaction form the hallway to the changing rooms. The next shot has then been edited to a match on action this is the joining of two action that carries thought a transition this was put in to allow the audience to experience a continuous flow of action. The match on action also gives it a scenes of realism.When filming and editing we also make sure we followed the 180 degree rule so we maintained continuity when filming our advert.

Diegetic sound- We used no dietetic sound when it came to our advert we added all of our sound on when it came to editing. 

None degetic sound- We used a few sound effects these are things that seem to be diegetic but are added on when editing. This included when the impulse was sprayed and when the impulse was slammed down on the bench. We also used sound effects as the quality was better and was more effective.We also added a sounded effect at the end when the actor winks at the camera this was added in for comical purposes. Through the whole of the advert we used a sound track we added this for effect ad to make the sound as pleasing as the editing and camera work. The sound track we chose was to back up the advert being like a seventies montage. 

Effectiveness of the contents
I believe that our advert effectively sells the product thought our advert thought then story line and narrative. For our pre-production work we thought very hard in to the story line planning shot after shot and out main aim was to make the advert effectively sell the product we were re-branding. The story line we used we believed was effective due to the comedy element we added in. We did this to attract out audience as we believed a funny advert would be more appealing to them. Though our feedback we also can back up that we reach the goals we wanted to and through, our advert we did effectively sell our product impulse thought the advert.

The main effect we used to get people to want to buy this product was the comedy element with in the advert. Also the idea it's self was new and existing and we aiming for a target market that are adventurers and would be more likely to try the product. We use fast editing to keep the advert interesting and fast past this means each frame was existing and aesthetically pleasing. We used a slogan toward the end of the product that was memorable and eye catching with phonetic qualities to catch the eye. But our main effect was for our advert to entertain our target market.

The message we wanted to send is that you can still be a strong man but smell sweet as a girl. We got this message through in our advert with the element of surprise and comedy. We showed all element of a strong man at the gym doing such activities as weight lifting. Thought out these activities we did not reveal his face this was so we could then incorporate the comedy and surprise element side. The next shots were in the changing room were the man spray him self with the impulse spray. Theses shorts focused on the action of him spraying the impulse scent. This was used to hint to the audience that the spray could be what the advert it trying to sell. The last shot is of the man truing around with make up of his face this is were the element of surprise comes in and the commercial bit. The element of surprise is also linked to our massage are we are trying to get across that a strong man can still have a soft feminine side and smell like a stereotypical girl would. Though making our advert we thought about AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action ) we used all of these elements to make the message in out advert come out and to make our advert successful in getting it's message across.    

Though out all the points I have explained I believe the advert that was made was fit for it purpose and fit with in the brief we were given. We made the advert look and sound as professional as we could we the equipment that we had. Thought out making our advert we had to stick with the advertising regulation to do this we followed the BCAP code. There were a few codes that we had to be careful around and make sure we did not break. One of them was that we did nit make our advert misleading to not break this we made sure our massage we clearly shown and was not misleading. We also had to watch out that we were not misleading though exaggerating the product show in the advert. One more things we had to look out for is that we were not giving our any false of inaccurate information with in the advert.We follow all the these rules to make our advert as professional as possible.

Personal reflection
Image result for editingFrom out pre-production work our advert did change and get more advance but all the changes we made were to make a better advert. I believe that our advert grow and improved form the original ideas we had. From the story bored we panned out the shots that we where going to include but when it came we improved the shots and add some in. We added the first ti shots the one of the gym sigh this was to indicate to the audience were the location is. The second shot was on a new piece of gym equipment this was for comical reasons as it was different and original. We got feedback from our teacher about how to improve our advert and make the over all product to the highest stranded possible.

I mam very satisfied with the advert that was produced I think as a group we where able to but all of our ability together and make the best quaintly advert. If I could back and improve anything it would be to use a zoom mic and film so of the gym sounds to improve the realism of the advert. Though this project I put my idea forward and it go choose with over member of the group we were able to make a better and finial idea. We all took  turn filming it which improved my camera work especially when it come to focusing the camera and getting the best lighting possible. I also improved my editing skills and we each took turn to edit and give each over advice as we went along.


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