Monday 11 January 2016


19th century- Unilever was not founded till the 1930 it's self but Margarine Unie and the British soapmaker Lever Brothers we all ready formed.
Image result for UnileverUnilever is a British-Dutch company of costumers goods. It has many products included food, drink, care product and cleaning. Unilever is the 3rd large costumer goods company and is the biggest for food spreads and owns 400 products. Unilever was founded in 1930 by Dutch margarine producer Margarine Unie and the British soap maker Lever Brothers. The company then increased and made things out if oil and fat and then it just increased and increased as many over band join and started to be made. In 2010 it grew more and began to make heave and care products.

1900s- This is when product made with oils and fats came in.

1910s- During this time trading was difficult due the the condition after the 1st world war.

1920s- Business started to boom and emerge other products with there becoming Unilever.

1930s- Unilever was created.

bmacwin-464x2611940s- Unilever started to include food into there company.

1950s-Business started to boom all over as new technology was being born and people where becoming richer.

1960s-Unilever start to develop new products.

The 21st century- Unilever is now the 3rd largest costumer goods company.  

There are so many product that Unilever and each product is advertised to the public from media production to posters, billboard and bus stops. For example-

Pot Noodle
Pot noodles is a product that is with Unilever snack released in 1977 by Golden Wonder when they had the idea for pot noddles form the Japan cup of noodles. Pot noodle has a rang of favours to taest and is seen as a noddle snack. With a product like this if there is a new faouvour it need a media product to go with it. It needs a media product anyway so that the public can see the product essentially making them want to buy the product.
Pot noodle defiantly give off the impression it is a quick and easy snack in the advert.Even at the start the man says ''even when I was little girl I have also dream of living and easy life''. Adverts like this will draw people into watching in as it a funny advert and hummer is a key thing you can use to attract someone to your product. Pot noodle have been cleaver as every time the pot noodle is in the advert it is shown in a median shot so the audience doesn't really see what it is. At the end there is a close up of the pot noodle and the words 'why try harder'. This advert has been used to show the public the product of pot noodle and the face it is east and quick it make so it is branded for people that want a quick snack or have to work a lot basically the working class. Pot noodle is targeted around 18-25 males so they have made this advert that has hummer in that 18-25 years old would find funny.

This is a poster that Pot noodle released quite a while ago it is a simple poster but is very effective. Firstly in shows the product it's self with isn't that eye catching but no in 2016 the pot noodle packaging has changed and become brighter and better. You can see pot noodle seems to be sat on a wall it's dark like it's down a dark allay way. The most eye catching things is the writing to the right which says 'the slag of all snacks' this is in pink and look like a sign light which you would see outside a bar. Pot noodle have been very cleaver calling there product a slag. They have used the stereotypical word slag something which seems to be quick and easy. To show there quick and easy snack Pot Noodle but this is also quite a controversial poster as it uses the word slag and people may be agree with it but over all this is a quick witted poster.

PG Tips 
PG tips is a band of tea that is a British product launched in the 1930's as a loose leaf tea was all called Pre-Gest-Tee but was soon changed to PG Tips. PG Tips became a tea bag in the 60's being one step in fount it then in 1996 turned into a pyramid teabag. Now PG Tips have a special moment range of tea that is witty and funny to the tea drinker. There are 4 variants: The fresh one, The strong one, The evening one and The hint of earl grey on.

This is a very simple advert promoting PG Tips and it included the PG tips monkey which is always related to PG Tips and also was given away when buying PG Tips. The guy in his dressing gown starts questioning if it truly in the best tea. Just like a children science program they show a test between tea bag and explain how the triangle tea bag moves around for a stronger and grater cup of tea. This advert is quickly showing the invention if the triangle tea bag and why is is better but also showing the typical waking up and having a cup of tea.
This PG Tips poster is getting across to people that use social media and are younger then that average tea drinker. This obviously a funny poster as the iconic money is showing his bum and telling people to instagram this. This poster is so simple due to it's comical side it's very eye catching and will diffidently get people looking. Then in bright red it says "keep it tea" is quote is directly at the monkey telling him to keep at what he is good at which is tea. I like this myself as it attracts to a younger audience like me.

LYNX's is a men deodorant mainly but also have a women's version and have a range of shower jell. It was launched in France back in 1983 and it came to the UK in 1985. Now LYNX have many different ranges form shower gel, roll on and even hair styling and shampoo products.    

This LYNX's advert is defiantly aimed at there target market men 16-25. LYNX is a deodorant that is suppose to attract women due to it's smell all of LYNX adverts follow this theme of the spry making you attractive. This fallen angles advert is showing that LYNX spray makes you so attractive that even angels will fall for the smell of the spray. You cold say this is fails advertising as LYNX doesn't make this happen but it is also cleaver advertising as boys 16-25 will stereotypical will be wanting to pull and be attractive to women. This advert is very cleaver as it keeps that audience watching right until the end as you want to find out why all this angles are falling. This last shot is the man spaying on the new LYNX excite spray to tell the audience that this is the cause of him attractive all this angles.   
This poster is showing a new body spray and shower gel that LYNX have open up to the public called twist. The twist LYNX is a spry that the small changes when people smell it. They have gone for a very simple advert basically having the product in the middle bold so the product itself is the first thing that catches peoples attention when looking at the poster. The colous and design of this poster is very simple and eye catching but all this all is more eye catching to men as it's not a very feminine poster. LYNX had thought about there target marked when making this poster as there target audience are all so the people that are more likely to buy the product. There is very bold righting telling the audience way the products is and a little slowgen 'the fragrance that changes' meaning that the smell of the spray and gal changes this is quite a new product and is institutional meaning more people will be will to try it. 

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