Thursday 17 September 2015

Connotation photo exercise

Connotation Photo Exercise 


This image matchers the connotation of strength as it showing physical strength threw the holding up of the car by a human which would be seen as being strong or having strength. This straight on shot is a perceptive elution as Joe and gives the intention that he is holding the car up but the shot has been taken in such a way that tricks the human eye into thinking he is holding up the car. We had to plan this shot very carefully by placing Joe in the right shape to look like he was carrying the car but also carefully placing where we took the shot. I believe this image does work overall due to the cars behind the image and the scenery it may not be a 100% believable but over all it shows very clearly strength.


To show the connotation poverty we wanted to create a image which we had seen on TV adverts of children with dirty faces behind mesh fences like they're trapped in a life full of poverty. This again is a straight on camera shot, we did this to show Joe's facial expressions and body language. We wanted the audience to feel sympathy and a create an image that the audience could straight away relate with poverty. I don't believe this image works as such due to the clothes Joe is wearing and the background. I believe the way Joe is placed in this image, hunched up with a blank expression is good, but with the right clothing, background and lighting would perfectly represent poverty.


This photo is a key symbol of love, holding hand is a key symbol of people dating. This close up of the holding hands also draws attention to the shadow on the ground of the linking hands we crated this image like this to draw the audience straight to the action. I believe we achieved the image we wanted and works very well and defiantly shows love.

Fear / Danger

This straight on shot was quite hard to create we had to carful place our self's to get the shadow and get the camera to the right light as we wanted to the danger and fear of the unknown. To create the danger and fear with the shadow we wanted an object that could be seen quite scary and the fear of just seeing the hand is like the fear of the unknown. I believe this matches the connotation fear and danger and a lot of horrors you things like hand coming behind walls or out of bed to cause a sense of danger and fear and believe we have done the same effect in this image. 


When you think of the connotation desire you think of wanting something we wanted to create a image of Joe being driven by desire. We took this image in a medium shot to focus on Joe's actions and the light he is looking up to. The was a very hard connotation to do in an image and I believe with the surroundings we have we kind of created a image which could link to the feeling people get when being driven by desire.


This wide shot is of Joe looking at his so called empire he is showing what is his and wealth he needed to create this. His body language is very wide like he is a very important and wealthy person we took a wide short to get his actions but also the building he is showing off. this image shows wealth with a change of Joes clothing into something like a suit I believe the image would give a even wide sense of wealth.


This wide shot shows the connotation weakness in a building needing support and it is to weak to support in self. We used the camera in a way to show the amount of support this building needs. This image sort of work in the way it shows weakness but can show many over things like structure and support.


I think is work as the connotation loneliness very well by using a wide short we where able to make Joe look really alone with that fact there is all this space and building and yet Joe is alone. We achieved this by placing us as far back as we could to get the scenery in and to get the impact of how alone Joe looks.


We wanted to create this image to be different to loneliness by having a straight on few focusing on the two people talking. To create this we took this image above the waist to focus on the happy facile expressions I believe this shows the connotation clearly of friendship.


This extreme close-up shows the purists thing in the world, water. By having the back ground blurred it really focuses on the purity of the water and it intended to show the clearness and how pure and clean the water is. I believe this image does work and shows the connotation purity quite well.



This image perfectly shows the connotation greed.We wanted to make this image quite comical by have Joe wanted to get to all the food with this we are showing greed in the way of eating but we could of shown it with the greed of money or power.This wide shot shows the connotation perfectly with showing Joes facile expressions and the back ground of the food he is trying to reach.

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